
Microgreens: Market Analysis, Growing Methods and Models

Microgreens, the young greens grown from vegetable, herb, or grain seeds, have been increasing in popularity amongst small and urban farmers over the past several years. Microgreens are relatively easy to grow, can be grown indoors with limited resources, and have a short grow cycle. An increasing number of recent studies attest to the health benefits of microgreens due to their high density of vitamins and nutrients. They are popular amongst health-conscious consumers and chefs that use microgreens as colorful and flavorful garnishes. Solutions Farms, the social enterprise subsidiary of nonprofit organization Solutions for Change, seeks to diversify its product offerings in the local market. Solutions Farms is interested in learning more about the microgreens market and existing models for microgreens production. This report is divided into three sections: research and analysis of the microgreens market, research of existing microgreens models, and recommendations for Solutions Farms. The first section includes a PESTLE analysis of macro environmental forces, an analysis of local competitors and distribution channels, and a SWOT analysis of Solutions Farms pertaining to the organization’s ability to succeed in the microgreens market. The second section of the report includes research of existing microgreens models, including materials and growing methods and associated costs. Finally, the third section includes recommendations for Solutions Farms go-to-market strategy and suggestions for further research.

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