
Newborn vaccine Education Implemented in Parenting Classes For Primigravida Women

Vaccines have been considered the most effective intervention to reduce morbidity and mortality from vaccine-preventable diseases. However, there have been recent outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases and infant deaths linked to unvaccinated children. These children are unvaccinated because new parents are worried about vaccine efficacy, and vaccine safety, and healthcare professionals are unable to provide proper education. Currently, newborn vaccine education is not incorporated in parenting classes, which further impacts awareness of the significance of vaccine benefits. This grant proposal is focused on the study of the impact of newborn vaccine education implemented in parenting classes on primigravida women or parents. The participants’ vaccine knowledge will be assessed using questionnaires related to vaccine knowledge, and reassessed two weeks after they are shown a vaccine education video. The participants will then be reassessed two and four months after giving birth to see if the proper vaccines have been given to their newborn per CDC guidelines. This study is significant to healthcare professionals and the community as it will raise awareness that it is essential to provide early vaccine education on primigravida vaccine safety and effectiveness.

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