
Values and Proenvironmental Behavior Five-Country Survey

There is growing realization around the world that humans are harming the natural environment. The air we breath, the water we drink, and the land that sustains us are becoming increasingly overused, polluted, or otherwise destroyed (Allen, 1996; Milbrath, 1996). This realization is taking the form of a worldwide environmental movement that is intended to (a) heighten awareness about environmental problems and (b) change human behaviors to improve our sustainability (Milbrath, 1995; Olson, 1995).More than 30 years of research conducted in the United States has examined both the attitudinal and behavioral changes resulting from the environmental movement However, very little research has examined proenvironmental attitudes or behaviors in different countries.This article reports the results from a multinational study of values,norm-activation, and proenvironmentalbehavior.

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