Masters Thesis

Closing the achievement gap for English language learners

This study intends to find ways for educators to begin to make gains towards closing the achievement gap for English language learners. Through analysis of qualitative data collected, I hope to initiate the implementation of the most effective classroom strategies to support ELLs in the classroom for a charter elementary school located in a suburban community in Central California. In addition, I used qualitative data to determine if teachers are equipped to teach ELLs. Examining teacher and student data from Oasis Charter Public Elementary School was a critical part of my study due to the fact that OCPS has a growing number of English learners. Throughout the years, the demographics at OCPS have drastically changed. Students across school at OCPS have made significant gains in the state tests. Nonetheless, there seems to be a discrepancy with the gains the ELLs have made in the recent years. ELLs at OCPS are not having the same gains that the rest of the student population is. In my research, I closely examine if OCPS is using the most effective strategies to support ELLs in the classroom and if so, how. This will in turn, be the first attempt to begin to support ELLs in their academic success throughout their educational journey.

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