
Performance and Accuracy Analysis in Object Detection

We analyze the efficiency of the state-of-the-art, object detection systems that have recently been introduced for fast and accurate object detection in images, video streams and real-time videos. We implemented and analyzed the efficiency of YOLOv2, YOLOv3 and SSD object detection systems. In this project, we introduce the functionality of these 3 systems, the metrics to evaluate the efficiency of object detection algorithms and present the results of our implementations for small-scale datasets. We also present an efficiency analysis of these three systems for large-scale datasets. Object detection is an intelligent computer vision technique, similar to our humans’ visions, for locating instances of objects in images, video or real-time surveillance. It has been researched for several years and has been improved to an unprecedented level. It also has been adopted across our daily lives from our cellphones, video surveillance, and object tracking to pedestrian recognition and so forth. There are various detection models such as Region Proposals (R-CNN, Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN), You Only Look Once (YOLO), Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD), etc. We studied the most recent and most efficient systems: YOLOv2, YOLOv3, and SSD. YOLOv3 and SSD are considered the best methods with the highest accuracy and fastest speed that can be achieved in object detection in images and video streams. We also studied the efficiency of all three systems for real-time object detections. The results demonstrated that YOLOv3 is the most accurate but slowest object detection system while SSD is the fastest one with the lowest accuracy. YOLOv2 has a lower accuracy than YOLOv3 but it is faster. For object detection in recorded images and videos, YOLOv3 is the best one since it detects the objects with the highest accuracy, however for real-time video-streams, SSD provides the best one since it is the fastest one. Since there is a trade-off between accuracy and speed in all these systems, the most appropriate system for each application depends on the application requirements.

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