
INI Power Systems and CSU San Marcos Project Team Report

This executive report provides a top-level summary of the more comprehensive report submitted by the INI Power Project Team. The purpose of this report is to provide the reader with basic insight into the findings on upcoming environmental regulatory changes in the near and far terms, to determine the competitive landscape, review existing technologies, and compare intellectual property specifically applicable to the Small Off-Road gasoline-powered Engine industries (e.g. landscape, lawn care, motorcycles, motorscooters, etc.). By understanding the regulatory environment and the existing and future technologies being employed by the competition, the project team was able to evaluate the market and provide an overview of the factors which may pose threat to IP held by INI Power Systems. The analysis performed by the team was done with the primary goal of determining the optimal strategy(s) for best monetizing the existing IP which provides substantial emissions reductions and fuel efficiency improvements for small, off-road gasoline powered engines.

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