
Diabetic Education for Incarcerated Individuals: A Funding Request

Proper treatment and education is essential for the maintenance of good health and wellbeing of individuals afflicted with the chronic disease diabetes. Facets of effective diabetic care include: daily blood sugar checks, medication administration, as well as dietary and exercise components. In order to obtain optimum results, encouragement and support should be provided to the patient on an on-going basis. A diabetic population that may be overlooked and under educated are those that are currently incarcerated in a jail or prison. These individuals deserve the same support and care as those not incarcerated. Jail nurses are at the front line in providing care and education and should be updated on the newest procedures and protocols to help ensure the incarcerated individuals receive the best care possible. The end result should be lowered blood sugars as noted by a decrease in the individual’s hemoglobin A1C as well as individuals being able to exhibit better diabetic self-care practices.

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